
El biólogo León Vergara, técnico de investigación de la FIMCM-ESPOL, ha completado con éxito la fase en línea del IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae, organizado por la Universidad de Copenhague y la IOC-UNESC

El Ph.D.

Ph. D.

El Ph. D.

Climate Change and Glacier Loss in Ecuador
In recent decades, Ecuador has lost 50% of its glacier cover due to climate change. This phenomenon, driven by global warming, is having an alarming impact on the country's water security.

The students of the first cohort of the Higher Technology in Port Logistics program have begun their community service internships as part of the Raíces Marinas: Culture and Sustainability in El Morro project.

The Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral invites the general public to participate in the selection process of Teaching Technicians for the Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences, with the purpose of constituting a bank of eligible candidates for the Ordinary Academic Period 2025

Last Friday, March 14, ESPOL's School of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences (FIMCM) hosted the Seminar on Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation, and its relation to Climate Phenomena, an event organized in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Preparedness for heavy but sporadic rains on the Ecuadorian Coast this March
March marks the peak of rainfall in the coastal region of Ecuador, with rains that, although intense, will be sporadic. In this context, Ph.D.

The South Pacific anticyclone is gaining prominence in recent weeks, and its impact will be key for the next few days in Ecuador. This atmospheric phenomenon, which generates southerly winds, is approaching the continent and will bring more stable weather conditions to the region.