The South Pacific anticyclone is gaining prominence in recent weeks, and its impact will be key for the next few days in Ecuador. This atmospheric phenomenon, which generates southerly winds, is approaching the continent and will bring more stable weather conditions to the region.
Positive Impact on Climate: An Analysis by Ph.D. Franklin Ormaza
Franklin Ormaza, Ph.D., oceanographer and research professor at the School of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences of ESPOL, has been clear in explaining the characteristics of this phenomenon. Although its name may sound worrying, the South Pacific Anticyclone brings with it a series of positive effects for Ecuador.
According to Ormaza, the South Pacific Anticyclone is a center of high atmospheric pressure that generates winds that move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, such as Ecuador. “This phenomenon saved us from the impact of the El Niño phenomenon in the past”, highlighted the expert, underlining how the anticyclone contributes to regulate the climate in the region.
Southern Winds: Dry and Cold Air for a More Stable Climate
The strengthening of southerly winds, characteristic of this anticyclone, will bring with it dry and cold air, which in turn will cause a decrease in water vapor in the atmosphere. As a result, precipitation will be reduced, creating a more stable and drier climate for Ecuador and Peru.
Ormaza emphasizes that the anticyclone “pushes water northward and also cools it,” which contributes to a significant decrease in rainfall. This pattern of strong and steady winds, which can reach up to 10 meters per second, will continue for the next ten days, resulting in weather relief for both Ecuador and southern Peru.
A Respite for Ecuador: Climate Stability on the Horizon
In Ormaza's words, Ecuador is one of the first countries that will benefit from this phenomenon: “Of course, of course, we are the first to benefit”. The reduction in rainfall will bring greater climatic stability, which will be a relief for the agricultural sectors and daily life in the country.
The South Pacific Anticyclone: A Natural Ally
The South Pacific Anticyclone not only helps regulate rainfall, but also provides a more balanced climate, favoring stability in the region. With the strengthening of the southerly winds, Ecuador will be able to enjoy a climatic respite during the next few weeks, benefiting from this natural phenomenon that has proven to be an ally for the region.
This anticyclone, despite the initial alarm that its name might cause, is a phenomenon that contributes to balance the climate and improves weather conditions in the region. Thanks to its presence, Ecuador will be favored by a season of constant winds and clearer skies, promoting the necessary stability for daily activities and economic development in the country.
Learn more at: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/internacional/que-es-el-anticiclon-del-pacifico-sur-y-cual-sera-su-impacto-en-ecuador-nota/