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Centers and Laboratories



Physical Oceanography Laboratory 

The Physical Oceanography Laboratory provides teaching support to all subjects of the career. It has a Wet Laboratory facility, as well as a Sieve for analysis of sediment samples (mainly sand).

Laboratory Head: Eduardo Cervantes Bernabé, M. Sc.
E-mail: ecervan@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory Teaching Technician: Ing. Pamela Campi Álvarez
E-mail: pcampi@espol.edu.ec 
Location: Edificio 5E


Biological Oceanography Laboratory 

The Biological Oceanography Laboratory is a specialized infrastructure for the study and analysis of marine organisms; and its relationship with the physical environment. 

Laboratory head: María José Marín Jarrín, Ph. D.
Email: mjmarin@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. Pamela Campi Álvarez
Email: pcampi@espol.edu.ec 
Location: Edificio 5F


Marine Systems Laboratory

The Marine Systems Laboratory is a specialized infrastructure for the study and analysis of marine organisms; and its relationship with the physical environment.

Laboratory head: Rubén José Paredes Alvarado, Ph. D.
Email: rparedes@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. Jorge Isaac Mendoza Marchan 
Email: jorismen@espol.edu.ec 
Location: Edificio 5C


Aquaculture Health Laboratory

Research the causal agents of infectious and non-infectious diseases of aquatic animals of commercial fishing and aquaculture interest in Ecuador.

Laboratory head: Sonnia Guartatanga Argudo, M. Sc.
Email: sguarta@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5G


Planktonology Laboratory

Evaluate the population dynamics and spatiotemporal distribution of planktonic organisms in aquatic ecosystems.

Laboratory head: José Jerry Landivar Zambrano, Ph. D.
Email: landivar@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5F


 Fish Farming Laboratory

Perfect and apply marine and freshwater fish production techniques based on knowledge of the biology and ecology of fish of current economic importance, as well as those with fishing and aquaculture potential.

Laboratory head: Patricia Mireya Urdiales Encalada, M. Sc.
Email: purdiale@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5F


Pathology Laboratory

Provide fast and efficient diagnostic services incorporating new technologies and laboratory analytical techniques in order to determine the etiology and mechanisms of diseases that affect aquaculture farming systems in Ecuador.

Laboratory head: Andrea Martha Freire Peñaherrera, M. Sc.
Email: amfreire@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5G


Nutrition Laboratory

Prepare and analyze aquaculture feed suitable for the different species that are farmed in Ecuador, especially fish and shrimp.

Laboratory head: Luis Alejandro Daqui, M. Sc.
Email: adaqui@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5I


Crustacean Laboratory

Study the development of marine and coastal crustaceans, the biology and ecology of economically important crustaceans, as well as those with fishing and aquaculture potential.

Laboratory head: Blgo. Marco Alberto Álvarez Gálvez
Email: malvarez@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5I


Bentos Laboratory

Study the population dynamics and the structure of the benthos, particularly the structure and function of the macro and meiobenthos communities in the intertidal and subtidal zone in marine-coastal and estuarine ecosystems, hydrographic basins and aquaculture production systems; and its relationship with abiotic factors.

Laboratory head: Alba Katherine Calles Procel, Ph. D.
Email: acalles@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5G


Experimental Aquaculture Laboratory 1

Provide technical support for the resolution of problems at scale, from experimental trials for the cultures of native and exotic bio-aquatic species. They will be carried out within the training axes of the Aquaculture career: Production, Engineering, Animal Health and Sustainable Aquaculture.

Laboratory head: Alba Katherine Calles Procel, Ph. D.
Email: acalles@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Email: @espol.edu.ec
Location: Edificio 5


Experimental Aquaculture Laboratory 2

Provide technical support for the resolution of problems at scale, from experimental trials for the cultures of native and exotic bio-aquatic species. They will be carried out within the training axes of the Aquaculture career: Production, Engineering, Animal Health and Sustainable Aquaculture.

Laboratory head: Patricia Mireya Urdiales Encalada, M. Sc.
Email: purdiale@espol.edu.ec 
Laboratory teaching technician: Ing. 
Location: Edificio 5

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