A greater involvement of the industry with the academy contributes to a better training of the new generations of professionals, so that they can carry out internships, receive training and possibilities for future jobs. Proof of the academy-industry relationship is the anchor donated by the company Varadero Maridueña S.A., which has become an iconic FIMCM place for students, teachers and visitors to take photos.

Each of the activities that are carried out in student life help promote qualities that strengthen personal growth. The FIMCM Dining Room represents a space for recreation and leisure where students, in addition to eating, can read, meditate, meet, talk, do group work or admire the nature of the environment, which causes mental, psychological and physical benefits.

Student life is one of the most decisive stages in the life of every professional, since it helps to forge their character and professional performance thanks to the learning process that not only revolves around grades obtained within the course. The FIMCM field allows the practice of sports that help students acquire qualities of commitment, attention, sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

As the person advances in his student life, he manages to use tools and acquires the necessary knowledge for his professional growth. The FIMCM Lake is an educational space that allows a better relationship of the student with experimental work of measurements, simulations, surveys, among others, which favor the observation of theories with real and practical situations.