The Oceanographic Engineering Program of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) forms professionals trained in engineering and science, for the study and design of solutions to problems inherent to oceanic and marine-coastal zones of the country. The field of the activity of the program is framed within the objectives of creation of the ESPOL that is "the superior teaching in sciences and the investigation of phenomena and natural resources of the littoral region, including the territorial sea".

Train professionals of excellence, leaders, entrepreneurs, with solid moral and ethical values that contribute to the development of the country, to improve it socially, economically and environmentally. Do research, technology transfer and links with society, especially with regional governments, local and coastal communities. To contribute to the sustainable development of the marine-coastal zone with highly trained professionals with a new vision of the planning and development of Ecuador.

Core Components of the Program
The ESPOL institutional Learning Results (RA) aim to prepare students for professional activity through the acquisition of skills. This professional preparation in the Oceanography career is carried out based on 3 main axes, as we mention below:
1) Engineering: design of structures and infrastructure on the coastline.
2) Oceanography: study of the dynamics of the oceans and the marine-coastal zone.
3) Coastal management: analysis, conflict resolution, and sustainable development of the marine-coastal zone.

International Accreditation 
The Oceanographic Engineering degree program is accredited by the ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission
The Oceanography program is accredited with the EUR-ACE quality seal, by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

* Undergraduate tuition/fees:
The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador in its Article 356, among other principles, establishes that third-level public higher education will be tuition/fees free.  Zero cost education is linked to the academic responsibility of the students.

Number of admitted students per academic year
Number of graduates per year
Number of enrolled students per academic year

Graphs show the figures in real time, at the time of the query

The applicant must have skills in basic sciences (mathematics, physics and chemistry), with critical and analytical thinking. In addition, they should have a vocation for work in the sea, which includes the design of solutions to problems that arise in the marine-coastal zone, the investigation of ocean-atmospheric processes for a better understanding of these environments, and the implementation of strategies for a sustainable use of the resources of the marine-coastal zones.

Educational Objectives

  1. Led multidisciplinary teams, solving oceanographic engineering problems.
  2. Solved complex problems that require an understanding of oceanic and marine-coastal processes, and their social, ethical, and environmental implications.
  3. Innovated in the oceanographic engineering area, developing new techniques and technologies that demand permanent professional improvement.
  4. Contributed to the development of ocean sciences through the continuous study and research of its processes.

Student Outcomes

1. Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex oceanographic engineering problems through the application of engineering principles, science and mathematics.
2. Ability to apply oceanographic engineering designs to produce solutions that meet specific needs, considering public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3.a. Ability to communicate effectively in Spanish with diverse audiences.
3.b. Ability to communicate effectively in English with diverse audiences.
4. Ability to recognize the ethical and professional responsibilities in Oceanographic Engineering situations and make informed judgments, considering the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and social contexts
5. Ability to function effectively in a team, whose members collectively provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, set goals, plan tasks, and accomplish objectives.
6. Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use Oceanographic Engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. Ability to acquire and apply new Oceanographic Engineering knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
8. Design real Oceanographic Engineering solutions that propose unique value in response to specific needs considered from the stakeholder's point of view.

After 4 years of study, you will be able to:

  • Lead multidisciplinary teams, solving Oceanographic Engineering problems.
  • Solve complex problems that require an understanding of oceanic and marine-coastal processes, and their social, ethical, and environmental implications.
  • Innovate in the area of Oceanographic Engineering, developing new techniques and technologies that require permanent professional improvement.
  • Contribute to the development of Ocean Sciences through the continuous study and investigation of its processes.

Occupational profile

  • You will be able to practice your profession in areas such as coastal engineering and port works, oceanic engineering, oceanography, and management of coastal resources.
  • Develop studies of coastal processes, coastal protection, restoration of beaches and habitats.
  • Design and manage ports and maritime structures, navigation studies, planning, execution and supervision of oceanographic studies-projects.
  • Execute development works in the coastal strip, as well as coastal protection; observing its environmental, risk and disaster reduction, climate change and sustainability implications.
  • Completion of curricular mesh.
  • Degree work (Integrative Subject)
  • Pre-professional internships (240 hours) and liaison (160 hours)
  • Delivery of personal documentation to STA (Academic Technical Secretary)

The Capstone Project is a culminating requirement for graduation. These projects provide students with the experience of applying acquired knowledge and skills to the needs of society, with a focus on sustainability.
The IDEAR Fair showcases all Capstone projects, offering students a valuable opportunity to showcase their work and hone soft skills such as communication and teamwork. It is also a space for students to network with potential clients and future employers.
Explore all of the Capstone projects completed by the Oceanographic Engineering program.